Sector of the educational and inductrial practice
Sector of the educational process monitorung
Sector of the organization of the preparatory training
Preparation of the educational and working plans, on the basis of the “The Governmental
Standards of Bachelor (Master) degree of Higher Education” which was confirmed by the Azerbaijan Ministry of Education, its assignment to Academic Council for discussion and ratification;
Division of the educational load according to the departments in order to prepare for a new academic year.
Division control of the educational load among the teachers who are in the staff of the department according to the normative rules (this division is provided according to the scale which was submitted by the Educational Department) and its;
Controlling of compiling syllabuses, academic and educational plans of the departments and other documents which refer to the education;
Existence control of the programs, text books referring to the subjects that are taught at the chairs;
Realization control of professor-teachers staff’s demo lessons and mutual attendance of the lessons according to the schedule, the arrangement of the master class and audio-visual lessons;
Arrangement of holding deans, heads of the department and professor-teacher staff’s competition, whose election period have ended, making announcement referring to this competition;
Supplement of the deans, departments with the necessary educational aids (registers, referral forms, pension blanks, reference blanks, accounting schedule of educational hours, the schedule of academic teaching loads) in order to provide educational process in a normal condition. Calculating and signing of the registers which are submitted to the deans and departments;
Arrangement and controlling of the educational industrial and pedagogical practice.
Arrangement of pedagogical folklore and dialectological practice in regions and towns where refugee and internally displaced people were settled (Bilasuvar, Beylagan, Shaki, Mingachevir, Agjabadi), in the distant towns and villages where the Russian communities live (Ismayili, Khizi, Gadabay);
Compiling of the documents for the appropriate commission concerning the restoration of the students who were excluded in different years, concerning the students’ documents who changed his/her educational form or profession.
Preparation of the annual statistic accounts, providing of the delivery of these accounts to the appropriate organizations (The Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic and The Statistic Committee of Nasimi district).
Subscription of the students, having the credit debts at the University, their accommodation in different faculties for compensation their credit debts;
Arrangement and holding of summer semester (III semester) for students having credit debts according to the current statues;
Planning of students’ entrance for the bachelor and Master degrees in different profiles for the following academic year and sending to the Ministry of Education after coordination with Rector;
Controlling of the educational discipline via the service of dispatcher which has been acting within the Educational department and preparation of information about it for the Rectorial;
The preparation of monthly accounts relating to the Students’ contingent;
The collecting professor-teacher staff’s documents, working for hourly wages and the preparation of orders relating to their wages
Providing of the auditoria fund division among the faculties, as well as usage control of this fund efficiently;
Receiving of status, letters of instruction, orders and other documents relating to the education that are sent by The Ministry of Education and other ministries, organizations and committees and controlling of its implementation;
Preparation of different orders relating to the education, sending letters and other documents to the ministries and other organizations;
Holding control of the semester and final exams, collecting of accounts about the results of exams and finally holding the discussion of all these results;
Disculssion of the results of practice with the intruction and to inform the Scientific Council of the carried out work.