Baku Slavic University School-Lyceum Complex is one of the educational institutions of a new type that started its functioning in independent Azerbaijan. In 2000 after the establishment of Baku Slavic University (BSU) on the bases of the APIRLL named after M.F. Akhundov it was registered again at the Ministry of Education as the BSU Humanitarian lyceum. On August 19, 2010 by the agreement of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic ac- cording to the order 1175 of the Ministry of Education School 15 was connected to the BSU Humanitarian lyceum and there appeared a School-Lyceum Complex.
The Complex is a secondary educational institution where talented and capable students can be taught by the professors-teachers staff of the university and including preschool, primary, general and secondary levels of education helps coordinate the high and higher educations.
The English, Russian, German, French languages are taught at the Complex. The foreign specialists who speak the native language are also involved according to the contracts.
According to the order of the President the BSU School-Lyceum Complex was named "The Best School of the Year"in 2013. At the beginning of the academic year 2013/2014, on August 13 the state President Ilham Aliyev took part in the opening ceremony of the school building after its capital repair.
The participation of the teachers and talented pupils in the significant international scientific conferences, scientific magazines is estimated, the teachers are involved in courses of improvement of professional skills in foreign countries.