9 Sentyabr Təhsilin Hücumlardan Beynəlxalq Müdafiəsi Günüdür


Salam, hörmətli həmkarlar! Bu gün Təhsilin Hücumlardan Beynəlxalq Müdafiəsi Günüdür.

44 günlük Vətən müharibəsi zamanı Azərbaycanda 60 məktəb dağıdılıb və 10 şagirdimiz həyatını itirib. Bununla bağlı tvitterdə kampaniya başladılıb. Zəhmət olmasa, dəstək olasınız və məlumatın geniş kütləyə çatdırılmasında köməklik edəsiniz. Həşteqlər: #UnitetoProtect #EducationUnderAttack

Qeyd 1: Tvitlərdə emojilərdən istifadə etmək olmaz

Qeyd 2: Bir accountdan atılan tvitlərin sayı məhdud olmalıdır ki account spam kimi bloklanmasın

Həşteq trendə girənə qədər aşağıdakı kimi məlumatverici tvitlər paylaşılmalıdır (hamısı yuxarıdakı iki həşteqlə bir yerdə):



 Neither in peace, nor in war shall civilian objects be attacked. It applies to education, too.

 9 September- International Day to Protect Education from Attack

 10 students were killed, 16 injured, and 54 schools destroyed by Armenian aggression only in year 2020.

 In accordance with the Resolution 74/275 adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on May 28, 2020, 9 September was declared the International Day to Protect Education from Attack.

 All the children of the world deserve to be educated under good conditions.

Children of the world deserve to be educated under good conditions. #UnitedToProtect #EducationUnderAttack #Azerbaijan

Let's make it our goal to not let anyone harm education and every aspect of it. #UnitedToProtect #EducationUnderAttack #Azerbaijan

We can and should be doing everything in our power to prevent attacks on education. #UnitedToProtect #EducationUnderAttack #Azerbaijan

On the path of progress, it's our main duty to protect education. We hope for a better and prospering future. #UnitedToProtect #EducationUnderAttack #Azerbaijan

As a result of the attacks on education, 10 students were killed, 16 injured, and 60 schools were destroyed during the war last year in Azerbaijan. #UnitedToProtect #EducationUnderAttack #Azerbaijan

Protect education, protect children, protect future. #UnitedToProtect #EducationUnderAttack #Azerbaijan

We live longer through books, art, and education. By protecting education, we make it worth living. #UnitedToProtect #EducationUnderAttack #Azerbaijan

Let's educate ourselves to make the right decisions. Let's choose to protect education instead of harming it. #UnitedToProtect #EducationUnderAttack #Azerbaijan