Loginov Aleksey Spiridonovich

The first rector of Institute was one of the prominent figures in public education, the honored teacher of the republic – Aleksey Spiridonovich Loginov.

A.S.Loginov personally developed the training mode, scientific and methodological activities of the Institute; under his leadership was composed and methodically grounded curricula, prepared the first program in the Russian language and literature. Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Russian Language and Literature was established on the basis of teachers’ institute in 1952, and A.S. Loginov who played a prominent role in the
preparation of teachers of Russian language and literature also headed it. He worked for a long time as director of the school, the university professor, the head of department of universities and teacher training schools of the Ministry of Education, Deputy Minister of Education of Azerbaijan SSR.

A.S.Loginov graduated from the historical-philological faculty of Astrakhan State University in 1916. When Narimanov was in Astrakhan the head of the provincial Department of Education, A.S.Loginov worked as the head of the Department of the Unified Labor School and was a member
of the Collegium department.

A.S. Loginov’s merits are highly appreciated by the government. He was awarded the title of Honored Teacher and the Order of the Labor and medals. The secondary high school № 8 was called by his name.